
Snow Day

Since I have been in Washington state everyone has told me that the winters here are really mild and its very rare that we get snow. Well we have had an accumulation of snow so many times I lost count. The last snow that we had ended up being a snow day for the local kids and people sledding down some of the big hill in the neighborhood! I don’t think I’m in Kansas anymore … Oops I mean Florida!

This was some super heavy and wet snow! There were trees down all over the place from the weight. But I also have to say it was really pretty since all the tree tops were covered with a white blanket!

“Fair winds and following seas!”

Another day another deployment. Saying Goodbye is never fun but it’s a way of life being a Navy wife. It’s not Goodbye just another See you later! May they have “Fair winds and following seas!”

Sailors use this term synonymously with the points of sail below a beam reach, since the wind direction is generally the same as the sea direction. Therefore, the phrase “Fair winds and following seas,” implies that a vessel will have good winds, and not have to pound into the waves. The phrase is now used as a popular toast or salutation between mariners. It is also used during ceremonies, such as the beginning of a voyage, a ship’s commissioning, a retirement, funeral et cetera.

Following seas, combined with high winds (especially from the stern, or from behind the boat), can be dangerous and cause a boat to yaw (turn sideways) and swamp or plow under the wave ahead, if the winds and sea are too strong or violent. The original term may have been “Fair winds and a fallowing sea” where fallow means inactive. However, in the mariners’ traditional toast or blessing a “following sea”, combined with a “fair wind”, to a sailor, implies that the winds are comfortable, the sailboat is “running”, i.e. sailing with the wind on its stern, and the seas are comfortably rolling in the same direction as the boat is heading, so that the boat seems to be skimming easily on the surface of the water.

Info from