
Our New House!

This is going to be a post about our new house … I am excited that after a lot of years of renting Scott and I bought our first house. Now I will tell you it was extremely difficult but SO worth it in the end. I am having a lot of fun trying to decorate this house. We also had to buy some new furniture pieces since our house is HUGE compared to the tiny 1 bedroom apartment that we rented in Key West. Land is also a lot cheaper and it was a better option for us to buy. Scotts big requests were to have a basement or garage and be close to base. Well our new house is so close to base you could throw a football over the fence if you tried hard enough.

The house itself was gutted and completely redone. It is a 1912 Craftsmen style home with a 2 bedroom addition. I have been shopping for the past few months and this was the first house I walked into and wanted to stay in. I love it but I felt like it was over priced. Well 2 weeks later it was still on the market so we made our offer. I am finally almost done with the living room – dining rooms. I say almost because there are some fire place accessories that we need since we have never had one before.

Olympic National Forest

007-olympic-national-park-forest-silverdale-bremerton-washington-stateScott and I were able to do a little exploring when he was home for a few days last month. We decided to drive across the bridge and go into the actual Olympic National Forest. If you ever get the chance it is a very pretty drive. We would have loved to stop at one of the tiny motels along the way and spend the night. If you are driving through and happen to see this sign I highly recommend you stop and take like little hike out to the falls!


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When I was living in Key West one of my close friends is one of the people behind the awesome brand known as FishMonster. On my hike last weekend Scott snapped a photo of me wearing my FishMonster shirt. I think its a little further from Key West than I would like but hey … at least it is near the water!