
Lightning by the Ocean …

Last night after dinner I convinced Scott to come with me to the marina so I could take some photos of the lightning! You know your a true photographer when your at a closed marina on the ground waiting to take that once in a lifetime photo of the lightning. I can’t say I got that shot last night but I did get at least 1 good one! Lightning Key West Raw Edit 2016

Danger Charters

01 Danger Charters - TORsAdventures Portfolio Media - Key West FL Florida - OffShore KayakingThis past weekend Scott and I went on the Sail, Snorkel and Kayaking tour with Danger Charters. It was a refreshing change of pace from the usual trip we take. To start there were only 14 other people on the boat. We had lots of space to spread out and got to enjoy the trip a little more. I also liked the fact that we were actually sailing and not just putting up a sail for the sake of a photo. We sailed out to a private mangrove island and then got to kayak around it. The scenery was beautiful and it was very peaceful out there. We saw 4 or 5 different kids of birds, a few fish and my personal favorite sting rays. 02 Danger Charters - TORsAdventures Portfolio Media - Key West FL Florida - OffShore Kayaking

They did provide some light snacks but I would like to have had a sandwich or something a little more. Note to self I would pack something for use to share or eat a really big breakfast. All that kayaking and swimming can wear a girl out! The other cool thing about this boat was the step or platform they have for you to get in and out of the water. I got some amazing photos and we even spotted some dolphins on the way back.

If you would like to check them out for yourself here is the link to the trip I took.

Betty Crocker to Betty Flopper

That title says it ALL! This was probably one of the worst creations I have ever made – tried to make! It was so bad my husband let me throw it away … he tried 3 bites and we both agreed it was bad and I messed up somewhere … or maybe I didn’t and there was something wrong with the recipe. I wanted to share this because I know that a lot of people think that its not good to talk about your failures. I think they should be shared and then just move on! Nothing wrong with failing and trying again!