
Geiger Key Beach

Geiger Key Beach - Key West - Florida - TORsAdventures 01 One of the most common questions I get is “Where do the locals go?”. Funny you should ask … I go to the same places as you right? Well that is not the case for this tiny little beach that my husband and I found thanks to my Mom and her adventure skills. Geiger Key is at mile marker 8 and just north of Boca Chica. The island has a really good restaurant called Geiger Key Marina and Fish Camp. But the place that I am talking about is all the way at the end of a dead end road that if you didn’t know to keep going you wouldn’t but like most islands you have to hit the ocean eventually…. Right? I really like this place there are not many people around and when the tide is low you can walk out a pretty good distance. We Geiger Key Beach - Key West - Florida - TORsAdventures 04spotted lots of fish, hundreds of shells, crabs and even an adult size conch! So if you are just visiting for the week, new to town or planning a trip to Key West this beach is a great stop along the way.

One of my favorite things to do is just sit in the ocean! I know this may sound weird but yes sit! If I had a chair and my cooler next to me I would be in heaven! I could have stayed out there for hours … but as you can see in the above photo my husband is not the tannest person you will ever see and if he just looks at the sun he will get sun burnt!

Making my Yoga teacher proud!
Making my Yoga teacher proud! Boat pose it is!

The McKay’s are MOVING!

McKays MovingYes you read that right … the McKay’s are moving. I can officially announce that we are moving. My husband is being transferred from Key West, FL to Bremerton, WA. It sure is going to be a change in scenery. I am not sure how excited or unhappy I am about this but it’s happening either way. So on September 1st. me, my husband and all or our stuff will be relocating 3,510 miles to be exact!

21 Day Fix by Shakeology

21 Day Fix - Shakeology - Beachbody - TORsAdventuresTomorrow I will be starting the 21 Day Fix by Shakeology! Not sure if I should have used that exclamation point at the end of the first sentence. I know that I need to do something but this seems like a very daunting task at the moment. I have a few friends that have done it and have really liked the plans and also the results. Well I turned 29 last week and I am not a spring chicken anymore. One of my friends is actually a coach and is there for moral support.

21 Day Fix - Shakeology - Beachbody - TORsAdventures 01Now the real fun begins … I have to actually do all of the meal planning. I don’t think that we have enough Pyrex bowls to do this for more than 2 days … I am going to have to come up with a better system! They already have a system for what you are supposed to eat. Its actually a very interesting calculation with your current body weight. You are also supposed to eat A LOT of greens! And when I say a lot …. my plan calls for 6 cups a day! I am excited and dreading this idea at the same time but I will be sure to write about the experience and keep you updated on how it goes! If your interesting in trying Shakeology check it out here.

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