
Memorial Day – 2016

Memorial Day - Chicago 2016 - TORsAdventures - Friends and Family 01To some Memorial Day is just a 3 day weekend and some extra time to spend with family. I do agree and I did just that when I flew up to Chicago to see my family and celebrate my grandmothers 90th birthday. But it also has another meaning to me. Sometimes it helps to stop and smell the roses and be thankful for those men and women who gave their lives so that we could have a BBQ and do cannon balls into the pool. My husband is active duty and I have come to know many other service members active and retired. Some wear a cap for what ship they were on or others change out of their uniform before going to the grocery store because they are not doing the job for a pat on the back or the free food given to them on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. It was nice to be at O’Hare airport and see all of the flags hanging so proudly. It was a good reminder of why I had a 3 day weekend and was able to spend some extra time with my friends and family. Wherever you are or whatever your doing just know that there are and will always be people service this great country of ours.

I will leave you with the happy and fun photos of my and my friend Amy tanning in the pool and me and my friend Jesse jumping into the pool after a few Red, White and Blue shots!

Memorial Day - Chicago 2016 - TORsAdventures - Friends and Family 02 Memorial Day - Chicago 2016 - TORsAdventures - Friends and Family 03

Next Adventure ….

Pathway to the Ocean - Smathers Beach - Key West

I am on to my next adventure. I am relocating to Chicago for at least the next couple of months. I know my family will be really happy to have me there and I can figure out where I am going from there. My ultimate goal is to plan a fun road trip across the US and then maybe the world. I can always work while I am on the road I just want to change my view while I do it.

As I sit here in a hotel room outside of Nashville I wish that I had the time to stay here and explore not just the city of Nashville but also all of the parks and beautiful scenery. Ultimately I need to come up with a plan … I did discover that I am able to tow a small trailer behind my VW Beetle. That could be something really fun to decorate and have a little bit of wow out on the road.

I know that leaving Key West was the best thing for me to do. My Grandma is happy to see me when I am not trying to make her eat some meat and veggies vs. cookies and candy. For those of you that don’t know she is 89 and has Alzheimer’s and Dementia. She was diagnosed with cancer about 10 years ago and that really changed her way of life. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and within 2 weeks had a mastectomy of her right breast. After that she had various rounds of chemo and radiation. She has been cancer free for at least 7 years and health wise is fine. Her brain on the other hand is what really took a beating. Sometimes I think that she doesn’t even know who I am. She looks at me and says “Hi Sweetie, How long are you here for?” and then goes into a series of questions about how I am doing and wanting to know more about my life.

Grammie - Alzheimer's and Dementia
She looks happy in this photo. This is how I would like to remember her.

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementia can be extremely difficult at times. Let’s be real … it is difficult all the time. Unless you personally know someone with the diseases or care for someone it’s a lot more work than you would think. Arguing with someone who is your Grandmother and pretty much begging them to eat dinner that you know is good for them is not the easiest thing I have ever done. She has gotten much worse since the last time I saw her.

So onto my new adventure. I don’t know where I am going to end up but only time can tell me that. I know I will be in Chicago for the Holiday’s.