Tagaustin tx

SXSW 2012 – Joplin, MO

Hey Kids,

This has been one of those trips that you seem to lose track of days and what state you are in. I love to travel on road trips and just get lost in a city and see what you can find. Today we went to a city that really does still need help. As many of you know Joplin, MO was hit by a tornado on May 22, 2011. The level of devastation that you can still see driving down some of the roads is sad. It makes you wonder where all of these people are now? Are they still in hotels? Did they find a new house? Are they going to rebuild? These are all questions I still have.

This used to be a Taco Bell.

We were able to visit with a group of kids at Irving Elementary School. Their school was completely destroyed by the tornado that hit on May 22, 2011. These kids were a pleasure to hangout with. They are all so happy and full of life!

Thanks to everyone at GM and Chevy who were able to make this happen! If you would like to donate to the classroom I visited please follow this link.

Make sure to track where we are on our journey with the cool website from OnStar here.

Also follow our conversations on Twitter with the hashtags #FFSXSW #CHEVYSXSW #SXSW

Cant wait to hear from you all!
