
Red Oxx

I don’t normally write posts for a company but Red Oxx is doing all of the right things! Reasons include hand making all their products right here in the United States.  They make sure that their community is majorly involved by throwing awesome community events like Oxx Fest. And they treat their employees well and are family friendly.  I was attending TBEX or Travel Blog Exchange for those of you not in my travel blogger circle. This was a local company that decided to join a global conference that just happened to be stopping in their home town. I went to the factory the first day I was in town and they were really busy getting ready for the big conference!  Then I went back later in the week and started talking to some of the employees.

The smallest employee is my favorite …. but I think she steals everyone’s heart. Being a photographer I tend to find other photographers and Karen’s assistant was the best! Karen is the in house photographer for Red Oxx and she gets to bring her baby girl with her to work everyday!

Here she is helping photograph their newest bag “The Hound” which I picked up while I was there and I will be carrying all around London and Paris. I also picked up “The CPA”  for all my carry on    needs and It holds my 15 inch Macbook Pro, iPad, 2 camera bodies and 3 lenses – all with a drink on the side. Then, depending on if it is a day where I’m giving a tour at the prison or taking a 4 day quick trip to Seattle I also picked up “The Roadster Mini”. I stuffed everything I needed for a 4 day trip and carried both on the plane without an issue. Depending on the airline sometimes its better to know that your bags will fit into that small little space above the seat on a regional jet.

4th of July Fireworks – Joliet Park District

Happy Birthday Day America! And what better way to say that than with FIREWORKS! Here in Joliet we are spoiled with not 1 but 2 fireworks shows. One of the shows is on the 3rd of July and this show has always been on the 4th. As a photographer I feel like I was actually able to capture a fireworks show in a photo. What do you think? These were taken at the Joliet Park District’s Memorial Stadium fireworks show. All the photos we shot in manual and had varying settings from 30 seconds to 6 seconds for the shutter speed. I personally shoot with my ISO on auto and then my F-stop was at F-8.I also HATE using a tripod but this is what they were made for right? I got a pretty good one that doesn’t break the bank either. You can check it out on Amazon here. It’s the Manfrotto brand and I have had it for about 4 or 5 years.

If you want to check out my shots from the other night you can see them here.


4th of July – Bicentennial Park

Happy Birthday Day America! As a photographer I feel like I was actually able to capture a firework in a photo. What do you think? These were taken at Bicentennial Park in downtown Joliet. All the photos we shot in manual and had varying settings from 30 seconds to 6 seconds for the shutter speed. I personally shoot with my ISO on auto and then my F-stop was either at F-22 or F-8.