I had a WHALE of a time today chasing Orca!
Orca Network is the amazing non profit that posts about the sightings. Then other people comment each time they move to a new location. Such a cool way to be able to capture these individuals. Who knew it was something so simple as a Facebook page could help you track the resident and transient population. 

I started volunteering with them in September 2020 and took some very educational classes via zoom. We got to learn about all the different types of whales that visit the Salish Sea. So far I have been able to see Orca as well as a Grey Whale that is visiting the area. There are a group of about 30 individuals that visit year after year. I am excited so see more as they begin to arrive in larger numbers. Last I heard it was up to 9 individuals identified so far! I don’t have a photo of them yet but its bound to happen any day now!

If you live in Washington or you are looking to put together a road trip across the state you should check out my post about the Coho Campground at Wynoochee Lake. You could spot Orca on the ferry across the peninsula. They are all over the Salish Sea and pop out when you least expect it.
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